Lata Seth was born in Uttar Pradesh then moved with her family to Pune at a young age. With the exposure to Pune’s multi-cultural, international environment, Lata developed a passion to travel the world, experiencing and learning from different cultures. Her yearning compelled her at an early age to begin her travels around India, and find her way to Goa – which, over the years, became home. Lata began learning and performing the art of fire dancing, and created the Temple of Dance in north Goa – a collaboration which she continues to evolve.
In 1999 she began attending the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, and continued to live and work in the city for seven years. Lata managed a café in the heart of the city, and began creating events, working as a fundraiser for non-profits. In London, she experienced the vibrant creativity of the city at the time, and started becoming involved in the first of a series of event creations.
After London, California became home-base for the next nine years, where she learned from some of the west coast’s most popular electronic music and transformational festivals, while continuing her travels and discovery. California’s amazing and expansive natural scenery made her fall in love with the beauty of the Mother, the Earth. Lata also volunteered for environmental non-profits, helping clean rivers and waterways, educating on sustainability, and care-taking of the Earth and her resources.
Lata continued to travel, performing and participating in festivals, and managing an array of events, around the world – always returning to Goa. Of all the places her travels led her to, Goa remained the one place, especially in India, where she could be and express her authentic self.
Seeing Goa change over the years, it became more important for Lata to do something about where the depletion of the beautiful nature, and rapid development of the state, was going to lead. It is this consciousness to bring change, to show viable, respectful and sustainable options, that inspired the Vasundhara Festival.
Lata brings all her passions together in her event projects, to focus on environmental awareness, sustainability and conservation of nature.
Lata is the Founder and CEO of Vasundhara Festival.